Monday, October 25, 2010

Week #9 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Prompt Analysis and Note-taking – participate positively in group activities; ask for and give information effectively; use note-taking; formulate and advance a thesis; seek and offer constructive feedback


Prompt analysis and focused notes
· “Introducing the leader and analyzing the prompt for writing assignment 1 (‘A friendly
letter’)” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 5 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources
· Inquiry Chart “Apartheid”




Prompt analysis and focused notes“Preparing for a take-home writing assignment 1” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 5 Day 2 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources




Building the AVID Tree of Leadership

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week #8 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Reading – “write-to-learn” with notes; contribute effectively to discussions; practice listening strategies; participate positively in group activities; understand new words; read with a purpose; refer to background knowledge in an academic setting


Selective and purpose-driven reading
· “Introduction to the Campbell reading, ‘Great Leaders Grow Deep Roots’ (the oak article)”
Unit 1 Part II Lesson 4 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources
· Review 4 essentials
· Glad Observation ChartThe Oak Tree- Picture




Selective and purpose-driven reading
· “Building vocabulary to identify the leader’s characteristics” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 4 Day 2
AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources Cognitive Content Dictionary



Binder Check


Guest Speaker Principal and Vice Principal

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week #7 11th AVID


Target: PSAT Preparation. Preparing for a standardized test is challenging. Practice and evaluation are essential components to success. Today students will work on two sections of the PSAT. They will have 45 minutes to complete 45 questions. Students will then pass in their answer sheets to be graded. In the remain 10 minutes students should continue to study their Prompt terms, so they are prepared for the quiz on Wednesday.


Target: Tutorial #3 Student should have inquiry questions ready before entering class. Groups have been pre-determined and are written on the front board. Tutor assignments are written above the groups.


Target: Quiz the prompt terms. Students should take five minutes to review the writing prompt terms and be prepared for a matching quiz.


Tutorial #4 Group assignments are listed on the front board.


Prompt Term Quiz
Review Leadership Characteristics
Modify KWL Charts
Target: Students will begin the process of evaluating their current understanding and knowledge of the five leadership characteristics.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week #6 11th AVID


Target: Understanding instructional categories for writing prompts. Students new to college life have to learn quick ways to analyze a variety of writing prompts. By placing the writing prompts into a organizational grid, students can quickly evaluate how to answer the prompts. The categories are listed below.

Qualifying Words
Characteristic Words
Organizational Words
Source Comments


Tutorial #2 First Day of tutorials with tutors. Questions will be due before the bell and all students will be placed into groups according to their questions. Tutors should sign in on the sheet provided.


Target: Organizational Words in Writing Prompts. Students will use a study technique to define words and study key writing prompt terms. A vocab quiz over the organiztional word will be given on Oct. 12, 2010.


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No School