Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week #16 11th AVID

Weekly Targets: Reasoning, Responding to adversity, evaluating individual performance.


Grade Check and 1st semester goals. Students will re-evaluate their first semester goals and focus on classes that must be improved before the end of the first semester.




Mancala- Students will use reasoning skills and mathematical understanding to compete in a class tournament of Mancala.


Tutorials- Mrs. McNeese


PSAT Scores Returned

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week #15 11th AVID


Finish "Finding Forester" and debrief ways in which Forester helped Jamal become a better writer.




Song Lyrics "Name That Tune" Students will write six questions (two for each level of Costa's Levels of Questions) based on the lyrics of a favorite song.

Rewrite the AVID Tutorial Flow Chart




Finish 4 year plan and play college jeopardy- Mrs. Lee-Pope.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week #13 and #14 11th AVID

Weekly Target: : Integrating Sources and Writing Process – use “six-trait” tools; formulate and advance a thesis; produce pieces for different audiences and purposes


Writing Assignment II
“Completing writing assignment 2 (‘a timed, in-class essay’)” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 10 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources




Finish Finding Forester Video- Research Logs due with ways in which Forester helped Jamal become a better writer.




Guest Speaker: Mrs.Lee-Pope-Four Year Plan Revisited

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week #12 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Integration of Sources and Writing Process – use information ethically; use research methods in core areas; formulate and advance a thesis; produce pieces for different audiences and purposes; seek and offer constructive feedback; contribute effectively to discussions; participate positively in group activities


U of W Tour

* Tour of Campus
* Student Panel
* Admissions Presentation




Writing Assignment 2 “Review of the prompt, reading and notes” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 9 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources




Finish Finding Forester

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week #11 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Source Integration- participating in group activities, ask for and give directions effectively; use note-taking; formulate and advance a thesis; seek and offer constructive feedback.


1. Writing assignment 1; the full-length text
“Study the genre; a friendly letter” and “ Approaching the full-length text” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 6 Days 1 and 2 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources

Students worked on picking an audience, a time period and a problem. Research from eight print sources were used in class.




Writing Assignment 1 continued
“Peer review and revision” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 8 Day 2 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources


Veteran's Day "No School"


Good Writers
Watch the movie Finding Forrester. Students make a list of the ways that Forrester helps Jamal become a better writer.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week #10 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Prompt Analysis and Note-taking – participate positively in group activities; ask for and give information effectively; use note-taking; formulate and advance a thesis; seek and offer constructive feedback


1. Prompt and Rubric for Writing Assignment #1

2.“A Friendly Letter”




1. Analyzing a Take-Home Writing Assignment

2. Focused Note-Taking Grid




Good Writers Watch the movie Finding Forrester. Students make a list of the ways that Forrester helps Jamal become a better writer.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week #9 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Prompt Analysis and Note-taking – participate positively in group activities; ask for and give information effectively; use note-taking; formulate and advance a thesis; seek and offer constructive feedback


Prompt analysis and focused notes
· “Introducing the leader and analyzing the prompt for writing assignment 1 (‘A friendly
letter’)” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 5 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources
· Inquiry Chart “Apartheid”




Prompt analysis and focused notes“Preparing for a take-home writing assignment 1” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 5 Day 2 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources




Building the AVID Tree of Leadership

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week #8 11th AVID

Weekly Target: Essential Skills in Reading – “write-to-learn” with notes; contribute effectively to discussions; practice listening strategies; participate positively in group activities; understand new words; read with a purpose; refer to background knowledge in an academic setting


Selective and purpose-driven reading
· “Introduction to the Campbell reading, ‘Great Leaders Grow Deep Roots’ (the oak article)”
Unit 1 Part II Lesson 4 Day 1 AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources
· Review 4 essentials
· Glad Observation ChartThe Oak Tree- Picture




Selective and purpose-driven reading
· “Building vocabulary to identify the leader’s characteristics” Unit 1 Part II Lesson 4 Day 2
AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources Cognitive Content Dictionary



Binder Check


Guest Speaker Principal and Vice Principal

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week #7 11th AVID


Target: PSAT Preparation. Preparing for a standardized test is challenging. Practice and evaluation are essential components to success. Today students will work on two sections of the PSAT. They will have 45 minutes to complete 45 questions. Students will then pass in their answer sheets to be graded. In the remain 10 minutes students should continue to study their Prompt terms, so they are prepared for the quiz on Wednesday.


Target: Tutorial #3 Student should have inquiry questions ready before entering class. Groups have been pre-determined and are written on the front board. Tutor assignments are written above the groups.


Target: Quiz the prompt terms. Students should take five minutes to review the writing prompt terms and be prepared for a matching quiz.


Tutorial #4 Group assignments are listed on the front board.


Prompt Term Quiz
Review Leadership Characteristics
Modify KWL Charts
Target: Students will begin the process of evaluating their current understanding and knowledge of the five leadership characteristics.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week #6 11th AVID


Target: Understanding instructional categories for writing prompts. Students new to college life have to learn quick ways to analyze a variety of writing prompts. By placing the writing prompts into a organizational grid, students can quickly evaluate how to answer the prompts. The categories are listed below.

Qualifying Words
Characteristic Words
Organizational Words
Source Comments


Tutorial #2 First Day of tutorials with tutors. Questions will be due before the bell and all students will be placed into groups according to their questions. Tutors should sign in on the sheet provided.


Target: Organizational Words in Writing Prompts. Students will use a study technique to define words and study key writing prompt terms. A vocab quiz over the organiztional word will be given on Oct. 12, 2010.


No School


No School

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week #5 11th AVID


Target: First impressions and first perceptions are important in society. Today students will learn the importance of first impressions. We will work on successful classroom interaction. We will then talk about the following topics listed below and how they can help teacher/professor perceptions.

Sit in the front
Lean Forward
Ask Questions
Nod Your Head
Talk to the Teacher

The learning "T". Where to sit to be noticed and learn the most.


Tutorial Preparation: Flow Chart and Learning Process


Target: Reading Strategy #2 Students will work with a primary source Nelson Mandela's speech from prison. They will utilize the reading technique of writing questions to examine Mandela's speech. The technique should be used in other content areas to help comprehend content.


Target: Understanding instructional categories for writing prompts. Students new to college life have to learn quick ways to analyze a variety of writing prompts. Just knowing that there is a variety of prompts and that you can categorize them into the five areas listed below can help students be more prepared.

Qualifying Words
Characteristic Words
Organization or Presentation Words
Source Comments



Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week #4 11th AVID


Target: Students will learn the four essential skills that are necessary for success in college. The lesson will focus on an introduction to the four essentials skills in the writing process. Students should, by the end of the period, be able to recognize and evaluate the four essential skills in writing.


Tutorial: Students will participate in their first tutorial. Groups will be determined by content.


Target: Identifying the four essential skills in a textual scavenger hunt. Students will look for the four essential writing skills in a written source.


Critical Reading: Apartheid
Target: Students will demonstrate active reading skill. They will utilize the summarization technique of writing in the margins to read and learn about apartheid. Each paragraph will be summerized in one sentences and key terms will be taken from the text.


Invictus- Finish Movie and evaluate the five leadership qualities.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week #3 11th AVID


Target: Students will begin class by having a discussion about their five leadership traits. Each group will present their t-graph and focus on areas of leadership that they want to know about. For the second 1/2 of the period we will review the SAT and ACT test dates for the 2010-2011 school year. All dates will be recorded in a test requirement chart.


Target: Practice Tutorial

Students will bring two questions from their toughest content area. We will run a whole class tutorial to model good tutorial procedure.


Fair Day 1/2 Day

Students will review safety procedures and receive school planners.


Team Building

Target: Team work and unity are essential for group success. Students will work on developing a class identity.


Leadership Video

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week #2 11th AVID


Labor Day: Enjoy your day off and celebrate those who work daily to provide for you.


Organization and Preparation

Target: Students will begin the process of organizing their AVID Notebook for the school year. Every student by the end of the period should have a completed notebook with all six classes divided, pencil pouch, planner and loose leaf paper. We will also begin the process of organizing our college crates.

AVID Contract Due


Cornell Note Review

Target: Student will practice taking Cornell notes and look for examples of their value in content classes.

Leadership Qualities
Target: Using a t-chart from "Glad" training students will evaluate what they know and need to know about leadership. Through the process students will develop key questions about leadership. Students will then get into small groups and choose one of the leadership qualities listed below. The will make their own t-chart and present to the class.
Qualities of a Leader
* Character
* Charisma
* Commitment
* Communication
* Courage
* Discernment
* Vision


Guest Speaker: Student will listen to a prentation by Assistant Principal Mr. Cox. The discussion will center around college preparedness, "observations made by a new college student's parent".

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week #1 Welcome Back

9-2-10 Welcome Back Rogers Rams

Target: Students will focus on learning about AVID in their Junior Year of High School.

* Name Card Activity

* If you knew me .....

* Course Description

* Course Expectations

9-3-10 Multiply Intelligence

Right Brain/ Left Brain Activity

Target: Having students better understand their neurological strengths and weaknesses can help them in the future. Students will take a right brain/ left brain quiz to determine which side of their brain they prefer to use. Taking the test will allow students to examine their learning styles and make an evaluation on their teachers, so that they may better understand how they are being taught. Students will be placed in seating charts next to other students who have the same learning style.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week #38 AVID


Target: Each student will present their favorite quote to the class. They will explain who originally made the quote and why they chose it. Students should also be ready to write their quote on the front board.


AVID Olympics- Day one- design and construction of air powered vehicle.


AVID Olympics- Day two- Air powered vehicle races. Tests and modification and best of three races.


AVID Olympics- Day three- Impromptu speeches- Guest evaluator


AVID Olympics- Day four- Kickball Challenge

Monday, May 31, 2010

Week #37 AVID


Memorial Day


Tutorials: Today during tutorials we will be reviewing topics that are part of final examinations. Every student will need to write two questions about topics that they struggled with during the second semester. Reviewing the topics should reinforce learning that was done in pervious months.


Impromptu Speeches




Team Building

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week #36 AVID


Target: Timed writing training. Students will practice writing for time. Students will be given four prompts and asked to complete two in ten minutes. Evaluation of the prompts and strategies for success will be discussed.




Socratic Seminar: Oil Spill


No Class Senior Boards


No School

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week #35 AVID


Target: Frequently students do not clean and save valuable items from their classes. Often book bags and backpacks become catch-alls. By the end of the period today students will examine their notebooks, they will remove old items, add new items and transfer great assignments to their portfolio. We call this a "Book Bag Dump". A notebook check will be performed on Friday 5-21-10.




Target: Focused evaluation of weeks remaining in the school year. Today we will focus on improving grades in classes by developing a plan. Students will use AVID as a model.




Target: Finish character analysis of Princess Bride

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week #34 AVID


Target: Self images and impressions take a high priority in high school. Many students subconsciously look for ways to "fit in". What many students lack is power over their self-image. Today we will read about a student who came to understand the meaning of self-image and is now teaching others. Through the process students will develop an understanding of positive self talk and its importance in life.


Tutorials "Level Three Questions Only"


Target: Making connections and drawing on experience. Students will look at Monday's lesson and draw on the value of self-image to begin to understand the character analysis in the "Princess Bride". Student will be encouraged to collaborate and begin their character analysis.


Tutorial "Level Three Questions Only"


Princess Bride

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week #33 AVID Mayfest Begins


Target: Students will finish their AVID Island Project. They will present their Island to the class. Island songs, geographical features and motos should be explained. All Avid Islands will be displayed within the classroom.




Target: Creative writing about the Avid experience is essential in helping students comprehend the "Big Picture".

Pastiche- A french word for parody or imitation. Students will use a writing by Sandra Cisneros entitled "Those Who Don't" to write their own imitation or pastiche. They will follow the format of the writing and focus on one of three topics.

"We are Avid students"

"We are teenagers"

"We are going to college"




Team Building

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week #32 AVID


Target: "What People Are Saying" Students will read through two accounts of college readiness. These accounts will include a student response and a graduate response. By comparing these account students will see that a readiness gap exists. Students will then discuss ways to combat the readiness gap.




Target: Calculating GPA- Students need a strong understanding of how colleges and high school calculate Grade Point Average. Students will calculate their GPA and set GPA goals for the last four weeks of school.




Team Building

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week #31 AVID


Target: Reading comprehension is vital to successful understanding. Students should develop strategies throughout high school to help them read with a purpose. Today we will learn a new reading strategy. SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review) Using an article related to their community project, students will use the technique of SQ3R to help build comprehension.




Target: Plan of Action- Tonight students will take the first step in starting their community project. A plan of action will be put into place. Groups will be divided and students will have an idea of what type of work is expected of them. Organization is the key to an excellent start to our community project.




Target: Reflection and evaluation. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on the 1/2 way point of the their community service project. Reflection should be positive in nature and should always be done with the intent of improvement.

--Strengths and Weaknesses.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week #30 AVID

HSPE Math and Science Week


SSMUP (Silent Sustained Make-UP)

Target: As the quarter is coming to a close, students will have the opportunity to work on one missing assignment to improve their grade. Students are encouraged to take ownership of their uncompleted tasks and work with the understanding that they need to improve.




Planning our "Campus Beatification" Project

Target: Students will develop a timeline and method for dividing and completing their community service project. Goals must be set and tasks must be broke down into manageable pieces. This process will help students to develop time management and persistence.


No Class



Monday, April 5, 2010

Week #29 AVID


Target: Researching and finding support for our community project is vital to building trust in our school. Students will use the mobile lab to research eight questions about trash and garbage. Through the answering of these questions students will research our school problem and see how it fits within society. This should allow us the opportunity to find solutions.




Target: Map and Plan. Students will map and plan out sections of the campus that need beautification. Students will participate in groups and draw a detailed map of their sections.




Finish Field of Dreams

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week #28 AVID


Target: Revision and re-evaluation are essential parts of growth. Students will work on revising their career research paper or re-evaluating their current grade in AVID. Students are encouraged to complete one missing assignment by finishing a tutorial make-up.




Service Learning

Target: School and Community Service are essential pieces of Gov. John R. Rogers High School. Students are encouraged to get involved with the community and learn servant leadership. This week we will be examining service learning opportunities within our school and community. We will look to solve a problem at Rogers High School that is "manageable" (having a solution that can be implemented relatively quickly). Students will first brainstorm, narrow and then research a problem. Students are encouraged to ask parents, peers and other teachers about potential solutions.




Target: Research of problem. Causes, history and why the problem is hard to solve.

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Tutorials have been changed this week to accommodate both the tutors and students. This week all sophomores will be taking the High School Proficiency Exam. Tuesday-Thursday Gov. John R. Rogers High School has a revised schedule. Students should prepare for tutorials on Monday and Friday.


Service Learning

Target: School and Community Service are essential pieces of Gov. John R. Rogers High School. Students are encouraged to get involved with the community and learn servant leadership. This week we will be examining service learning opportunities within our school and community. We will look to solve a problem at Rogers High School that is "manageable" (having a solution that can be implemented relatively quickly). Students will first brainstorm, narrow and then research a problem. Students are encouraged to ask parents, peers and other teachers about potential solutions.


No Class HSPE


Target: Research of problem. Causes, history and why the problem is hard to solve.



Monday, March 8, 2010

Week #26 AVID College Applications


Target: Practice- Practice AVID students are constantly being asked to practice. By giving students more opportunities to practice we are building awareness and ultimately giving them a greater chance at success. Students will be asked to fill out a sample application for the University of California. Through the process students will become familiar with the types of information that they will see on college applications. Today we will be working on the first two pages of the nine page application.


Tutorials-- Binder Check


Target: Students will use their portfolios to fill in vital information on the sample college application. This information includes transcripts, extracurricular activities and awards. Students should be prepared to complete pages three-five.




Target: Students will complete pages five-nine of their application and then compare and contrast the sample application to a college of their choice.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week #25 AVID


Target: Socratic Seminar (Introduction)

Students will work on understanding the following concepts of a Socratic Seminar.
* Dialogue vs. Debate
* The elements of Socratic Seminars
* The role of the "Leader"
* The role of the participants.
* Seminar Guidelines

Students will examine an article and work on developing questions that fit into a Socratic Seminar. Students will work on questions that create dialogue and not just debate. They will work on questions that encourage collaboration and understanding. These questions should be open ended in nature.


Target: Tutorials


Target: Students will review the roles of a Socratic Seminar and focus on the group guidelines. Using the question students developed on Monday, modifications will be made to place each of their questions into one of three groups.
*Opening Questions
*Core Questions
*Closing Questions

Open ended questions are essential for success and student will learn to categorize their questions.


Target: Tutorials


Fish Bowl Socratic Seminar

Target: Students will break up into two groups, inner circle and an outer circle. Students in the inner circle will participate in the discussion and student on the outside will observe. Any student on the inner circle can move to the outer circle and any student on the outer circle can move to the inner circle. Every student on the outside at some point needs to try to participate in the discussion.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week #24 AVID


Target: Students will use the mobile lab to research for their career project. Students can find the links to quality resources on the AVID Blog. Students should find important facts that help them to write their career research project.




Scheduling Revisited: Students will bring a complete four year plan and schedule to class. We will discuss how the plan should be used in Student Led Conferences (SLC's). We will also evaluate each students strength of schedule. Career Research Papers Due


1/2 Day: Student Led Conferences


Dismissed at 10:35 AM


Guest Speaker --Dr. Ovidio Penalver

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week #23 AVID


Happy President's Day


Target: Identifying elements of success help to build success. Students will break up into tutorial groups and work on their life event graphs. Students will focus on three positive and three negative events in their life and place them on a time line. By identifying the events students will focus on the elements of success. Every student needs to share their events and work on three future events that they expect to accomplish in the next fifteen years.


Career Research "Field Research"

Target: Student will practice interviewing someone from their career field. Through a step by step process students will learn the proper phone etiquette and how to make a professional appointment. Students will then make phone calls to schedule interview times. We will discuss potential questions and how to document the findings. If time permits we will work on themes for the paper.




Registration "Please bring your registration forms from Link."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week #22 AVID


Target: Students will examine their passions for a future career. Students will use the following list for preparation of their career research paper.
* Reflect
* List 5-8
* Share
* Brain Storm
* Pro/Con
* Narrow List
* Quick Write
* Guided Reflection



Target: This week tutorials will focus on student questioning. In order to receive full credit on their tutorial request sheets students will need to ask questions during tutorials. The questions must be guided in nature and should help lead classmates to discovery learning. Examples will be used prior to tutorials.


Target: Students will use the mobile lab to research their career and develop a works cited page. All students should bring a flash drive to class so that they can keep their information and not have to rewrite.


Target: This week tutorials will focus on student questioning. In order to receive full credit on their tutorial request sheets students will need to ask questions during tutorials. The questions must be guided in nature and should help lead classmates to discovery learning. Examples will be used prior to tutorials.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week #21 AVID


Target: Goal setting revisited. Students will examine a goal that they want to accomplish in the next month. They will then write exactly what they believe their parents or guardians will say when they accomplish their goal. By writing about success students will begin to visualize how they hope to accomplish their goals.
*Creative Writing


Tutorials "New Groups" Assigned

Target: Students will work on questions that were developed in class on Thursday. All questions are level three and focus on the hidden curriculum of their core classes.


Target: First semester goals revisited. Students will examine their first semester goals to determine if they have successfully made improvements. For goals that have been accomplished, students will write a new goal. For goals that are unattained, students will re-write and simplify. An on-demand quick write will be assigned so students can examine the challenges and obstacles that keep them from attaining their goals.




Team Building Activity

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week #20 AVID Semester Finals Week


Target: Time management and final preparation. Throughout the next week students will work on finals in their core classes. Studies show that preparation and time management during finals week helps lead to successful tests. Students will have the opportunity to map out a schedule of success for finals week. Every student will fill in a time management map. Through the process students should set aside time for sleep, studying, exercise and most importantly meals. The map should also include study techniques learned in AVID.



Target: This weeks tutorials will focus on questions from final exams. Every student should bring one question that focuses on content and one question that is focused on the differing types of testing strategies. Students should work on developing answers, but also developing a process for solving differing types of questions.


Target: Final Review Day. All students should bring information to study. Every student will be given a study technique for their individual test.


Target: Tutorial evaluation day. Students will evaluate the first semester tutorial process and write about strengths and weakness. As part of the evaluation students should also provide solution.


Target: Guest Speaker (Jeremiah Sataraka)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week #19 AVID


MLK's Birthday Celebrate



Target: This weeks tutorials will focus on questions from final exams. Every student should bring one question that focuses on content and one question that is focused on the differing types of testing strategies. Students should work on developing answers, but also developing a process for solving differing types of questions.


Test Taking Strategies

Target: Students will review what is expected of them on each of their finals. We will work with the 10 "Test-Taking Tips" and sample questions to help develop test taking tips.




Test Taking Strategies

Target: Students will jigsaw, discuss and review the 10 "Test-Taking Tips" and build flip books as a way to remember the techniques.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week #18 AVID


Timed Write

Target: Everyone has obstacles or challenges in their life. Whether they are simple challenges or life changing challenges, inherently they always build character. Think of a challenge or obstacle you have overcome in your life. Write an essay in which you explain the process you used to overcome your challenge. Be sure to conclude with what you learned from the experience and how it changed your character.



Target: This week tutorials will focus on questioning. Students almost always look for ways to find answers. Most students are always interested in finding the quickest and easiest solution. This makes them great problem solvers. This week for tutorials we will be looking for a deeper inquiry into our content areas. By looking for questions in the "Hidden Curriculum" students will begin to see that there is value in the search for knowledge.


Target: Students will work in small groups to dissect writing prompts. Through this process students will discover how to manage timed writes and work toward success.


Target: Analysis and Inquiry questions will be presented in small groups where tutors can help students find solutions.


Philosophical Chairs

Target: By choosing a controversial event to read about and then discuss, students will develop an understanding of how to support their opinion.